Sangraula, M., Chauhan, J., Best, C., McEneaney, C., Shah, C., Brown, A., & Kohrt, B. (In Press). The impact of task-sharing scalable mental health interventions on non-specialist providers: A Scoping Review. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health.

Rohde, J., Marciniak, M., Henninger, M., Homan, S., Ries, A., Paersch, C., Friedman, O., Brown, A., & Kleim, B. (In Press). Efficacy of a Digital Self-Efficacy Training in Stressed University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Plos One.

Miller-Suchet,  L., Camargo, N., Sangraula, M, Castellar, D., Diaz, D., Meriño, V., Chamorro Coneo, A., Chávez, D., Venegas, M., Cristobal, M., Bonz, A., Ramirez, C., Trejos Herrera, A., Ventevogel, P., Brown, A., Schojan, M., Greene, M.C. (In Press). Comparing mediators and moderators of mental health outcomes from the implementation of Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) among Venezuelan refugees and migrants and Colombian returnees in Northern Colombia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Pickman, L., Dekel, R., Brown, A., & Horesh, D. (In Press). Disclosure and Concealment in Military Couples: A Dyadic Study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Sangraula, M., Greene, M.C., Castellar, D., Flechas de la Hoz, C., Diaz, J., Merino, V., Miller-Suchet, L., Cristobal, M., Chamorro Coneo, A., Morales, L., Venegas, M., Gonzalez, A., DeLuca, M., Uribe, M., Romero, S., Ferrer, M., Snider, L., Espinel, Z., Shultz, J., Ventevogel, P., Kohrt, B., Ramirez, C., Bonz, A., Bonz, Trejos Herrera, A., & Brown, A. (In Press). Protocol for a randomized hybrid type 2 trial on the implementation of Group Problem Management Plus (PM+) for Venezuelan Women Refugees and Migrants in Colombia. Intervention.

Brown, A., Ross, N., Sangraula, M., Laing, A., & Kohrt, B. (2023). Transforming mental healthcare in higher education through scalable mental health interventions. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 10, E33. doi:10.1017/gmh.2023.29

Pfeffer, K., Superka, J., Srivistava, D. & Brown, A. (In Press). Reframing early interventions for refugee populations The importance of emergency medicine in early detection and delivery of mental healthcare. In: A. Harris (Ed.), Emigre Analysts. Routledge: NY.

Pedersen, G.,  Abdelrhman, E., Bhattacharya, B., Moran, L., Neupane, V., Galea, J., Contreras, C., Pfeffer, K., Brown, A., Sangraula, M.., Luitel, N., & Kohrt, B. (In Press). Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.

Diaz, G., Mardoian, N., Brown, A. (In Press). Intergenerational family ties: Ruptured and repaired threads. S. Donovan & M. Sanchez (Eds.), Women in the Rain: Threading Home Across Borders.

Cid-Vega, A., & Brown, A. (2023). Reimagining Communities of Care in the Performing Arts: A Call for a Community-Based Task-Sharing Approach to Address the Mental Health Needs of Performing Artists. Social Science Medicine: Mental Health.

Bakke, S., Brown, A., & Winer, S. (In Press). Recalling Self-Efficacious Memories Reduces COVID-19 Related Fear. Cognitive Therapy and Research.

Henritze, E., Goldman, S., Simon, S., & Brown, A. (In Press). Moral Injury as an Inclusive Mental Health Framework for Addressing Climate Change Distress and Promoting Justice-Oriented Care. Lancet: Planetary Health.

Kowalkchyk, M., Chernoff, E., Brinkman, H., Brown, A., Pietrzak, R., Feder, A. (In Press). Perceived Social Support Moderates the Relation between Forward-Focused Coping and PTSD Symptoms in World Trade Center Trauma Survivors. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Jachmann, A., Useche, S., Saffuri, R., Eijer, H., Brown, A., Karamagioli, E., Pikoulis, E., Exadaktylos, A., Klingberg, K., & Srivastava, D. (In Press). Trauma consultations in a Swiss tertiary Emergency Department: Comparison of asylum seekers and the local population - patient characteristics and patterns of injuries, a retrospective study. Plos One.

Pfeffer, C., Hart, R., Satterthwaite, M., Bryant, R., Knuicky, S., Brown, A., & Bonanno, G. (In Press). Moral injury in human rights advocates. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Kouri, N., D'Andrea, W., Brown, A., & Siegel, G. (In Press). Shame-Induced Dissociation: An Experimental Study of Experiential Avoidance. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Elias, A., & Brown, A. (In Press). The role of intergenerational family stories in mental health and wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology.

Martingano, A., Henritze, E., Konrath, S, & Brown, A. (In Press). The Limited Benefits of Using Virtual Reality 360-videos to Promote Empathy and Charitable Giving. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Pfeffer, K., Superka, J., Srivistava, D. & Brown, A. (In Press). Reframing early interventions for refugee populations The importance of emergency medicine in early detection and delivery of mental healthcare. In: A. Harris (Ed.), Emigre Analysts. Routledge: NY.  

Pedersen, G., Pfeffer, K., Brown, A., Carswell, K., Schafer, A., Willhoite, A., & Kohrt, B. (In Press). Identifying core competencies for remote delivery of psychological interventions: A rapid review. Psychiatric Services.

Brown, A., Pfeffer, K., Superka, J., &. Sylta, B. (In press). Migrant and Refugee Mental Health. In: A. Exadaktylos & D. Sivistrava (Eds.). Handbook of Migrant and Refugee Healthcare. Hogrefe.

Brunet, A., Rivest-Beauregard, M., Lonergan, M., Cipolletta, S., Rasmussen, A., Meng, X., Jaafari, N., Romero, S., Superka, J., Brown, A., & Sapkota, R.P. (2022). PTSD is not the emblematic disorder of the COVID-19 pandemic; adjustment disorder is. BMC Psychiatry, 22, 1-7. ︎︎︎

Kormendi, N., & Brown, A. (2021). Asian American Mental Health during COVID-19: A Call for Task-sharing Interventions. Social Science & Medicine: Mental Health. ︎︎︎

Heyen, J.M., Weigl, N., Müller, M., Müller, S., Eberle, U., Manoliu, A.,Vetter, S., Brown, A., Berger, T., & Kleim, B. (2021). A multi-module web-based COVID-19 Anxiety and Stress Resilience Training (COAST): Single cohort feasibility study in first responders. Journal of Medical Internet Research. ︎︎︎

Rahman, N., & Brown, A. (2021). Mental Time Travel in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Current Gaps and Future Directions. Frontiers in Psychology. ︎︎︎

McBride, K.A., Harrison, S., Mahata, S., Pfeffer, K., Cardamone, F., Ngigi, T., Kohrt, B.A., Pedersen, G. A., Greene, M.C., Viljoen, D., Muneghina, O., & Brown, A. (2021). Adapting Problem Management Plus (PM+) during COVID-19 in New York City, Europe and East Africa. Intervention. ︎︎︎

Gardella, J., Parnes, M., Hirst, W., & Brown, A. (2021). Knowledge of Chosen Family History and Depressive Symptoms in Sexual Minority Women. Frontiers in Psychology. ︎︎︎ 

Quenstedt, S., Sucher, J., Hart, R., Pfeffer, K., & Brown, A. (2021). Autobiographical Memory and Future Thinking Specificity and Content in Chronic Pain. Frontiers in Psychology. ︎︎︎

Jiwani, Z., Cadwell, O., Parnes, M., & Brown, A. (2021). Uncertainty in the Time of Corona: Precautionary Adherence, Fear, and Anxiety in New York City during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. ︎︎︎

Paersch, C., Schulz, A., Wilhelm, F. H., Brown, A. D., & Kleim, B. (2021). Recalling Autobiographical Self­-Efficacy Episodes Boosts Reappraisal-Effects on Negative Emotional Memories. Emotion. Advance online publication. ︎︎︎

Parnes, M., Nuewirth, E., Pfeffer, K., Superka, J., & Brown, A. (2020). Becoming trauma: Conceptualizing the registration of trauma through biological, cognitive, and cultural frameworks. Social Research︎︎︎

Parnes, M., Eubank, J., Brown, A., & Boals, A. (2020). Heterogeneity in temporal self-appraisals following exposure to potentially traumatic life-events: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders︎︎︎

Sucher, J., Parnes, M., Quenstedt, S., & Brown. A. (2020). Pain Centrality Mediates Pain Self-Efficacy and Symptom Severity Among Individuals Reporting Chronic Pain. Journal of Clinical Psychology. ︎︎︎

Klingberg, K., Stoller, A., Müller, M., Jegerlehner, A., Brown, A., Exadaktylos, A., Jachmann, A., & Srivastava, D. (2020). Asylum Seekers and Swiss nationals with low acuity complaints: Disparities in perceived level of urgency, health literacy and ability to communicate - A cross-sectional survey at a tertiary Emergency Department. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ︎︎︎

Horesh, D., & Brown, A. (2020). Traumatic stress in the age of COVID-19: A call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Schultebraucks, K., Qian, M., Li, M., Horesh, D., Siegel, C., Brody, Y., Amer, A., Lev-Ari, R., Mas, F., Marmar, C. R., & Farmer, J. (2020). Mental health disorders and utilization of mental healthcare services in United Nations personnel. Global Mental Health, 7. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Müller, M., Hirschi, T., Henssler, J. F., Rönz, K., Exadaktylos, A. K., & Srivastava, D. (2019). Acute and mixed alcohol intoxications in asylum seekers presenting to an urban emergency department in Switzerland. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 536. ︎︎︎

Parnes, M. F., Bagrodia, R., Wightman, K., Singh-Sawhney, R., Satterthwaite, M. L., Knuckey, S., Bryant, R. A., & Brown, A. D. (2019). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and access to services among human rights advocates: The mediating roles of organizational encouragement of support seeking and occupation-related appraisals. Psychological Services. ︎︎︎

Marmar, C. R., Brown, A. D., Qian, M., Laska, E., Siegel, C., Li, M., Abu-Amara, D., Tsiartas, T., Richey, C., Smith, J., Knoth, B., & Vergyri, D. (2019). Speech‐based markers for posttraumatic stress disorder in US veterans. Depression and Anxiety, 36(7), 607-616. ︎︎︎

Knuckey, S., Moorhead, A., McCalley, A., & Brown A. (2019). The Proportionality Rule and mental harm in war. In: C. Kreß & R. Lawless (Eds.). Necessity and Proportionality in International Peace and Security Law. Lieber Institute Series. ︎︎︎

Titcombe-Parekh, R. F., Chen, J., Rahman, N., Kouri, N., Qian, M., Li, M., Bryant, R. A., Marmar, C. R., & Brown, A. D. (2018). Neural circuitry changes associated with increasing self-efficacy in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 104, 58-64. ︎︎︎

Satterthwaite, M., Knuckey, S., Sawhney, R. S., Wightman, K., Bagrodia, R., & Brown, A. (2019). From a Culture of Unwellness to Sustainable Advocacy: Organizational Responses to Mental Health Risks in the Human Rights Field. Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice, 28. ︎︎︎

Rahman, N., Horesh, D., Kouri, N. A., Kapel Lev-Ari, R., Titcombe-Parekh, R., Bryant, R. A., Marmar, C., & Brown, A. D. (2019). Increasing self-efficacy reduces visual intrusions to a trauma-film paradigm. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32(2), 202-215. ︎︎︎

Dubberley, S., Sattertwhaite, M., Knuckey, S., & Brown, A. (2019). Open source investigations: Vicarious trauma, PTSD, and tactics for resilience. In: A. Koenig, D. Murray, & S. Dubberley (Eds.), Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Research. Oxford University Press. ︎︎︎

Keidar, O., Jegerlehner, S. N., Ziegenhorn, S., Brown, A. D., Müller, M., Exadaktylos, A. K., & Srivastava, D. S. (2018). Emergency Department Discharge Outcome and Psychiatric Consultation in North African Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 2033. ︎︎︎

Vermeulen, M., Brown, A., Raes, F., & Krans, J. (2018). Decreasing Event Centrality in Undergraduates Using Cognitive Bias Modification of Appraisals. Cognitive Therapy and Research.︎︎︎

Bagrodia, R., Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M. L., Sawhney, R. S., & Brown, A. D. (2018). Crucial need to improve mental health research and training for human rights advocates. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(6), 466-467. ︎︎︎

Klingberg, K., Gadelhak, K., Jegerlehner, S. N., Brown, A. D., Exadaktylos, A. K., & Srivastava, D. S. (2018). Bad manners in the Emergency Department: Incivility among doctors. PLoS ONE, 13(3). ︎︎︎

Erten, M. N., & Brown, A. D. (2018). Memory Specificity Training for Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Promising Therapeutic Intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 419. ︎︎︎

Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M., & Brown, A. (2018). Trauma, depression, and burnout in the human rights field: Identifying barriers and pathways to resilient advocacy. HRLR Online, 2, 267. ︎︎︎

Krans, J., Brown, A. D., & Moulds, M. L. (2018). Can an experimental self-efficacy induction through autobiographical recall modulate analogue posttraumatic intrusions?. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 58, 1-11. ︎︎︎

Horesh, D., & Brown, A. D. (2018). Post-traumatic stress in the family. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 40. ︎︎︎

Krans, J., Peeters, M., Näring, G., Brown, A. D., de Bree, J., & Van Minnen, A. (2017). Examining temporal alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The relation between autobiographical memory, future goals, and current self-views. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 52, 34-42. ︎︎︎

Rodin, R., Bonanno, G. A., Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M. L., Hart, R., Joscelyne, A., Bryant, R., & Brown, A. D. (2017). Coping flexibility predicts post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in human rights advocates. International Journal of Mental Health, 46(4), 327-338. ︎︎︎

Hart, R. P., Bagrodia, R., Rahman, N., Bryant, R. A., Titcombe-Parekh, R., Marmar, C. R., & Brown, A. D. (2017). Neuropsychological predictors of trauma centrality in OIF/OEF veterans. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1120. ︎︎︎

Rodin, R., Bonanno, G. A., Rahman, N., Kouri, N. A., Bryant, R. A., Marmar, C. R., & Brown, A. D. (2017). Expressive flexibility in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207, 236-241. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Kouri, N. A., Rahman, N., Joscelyne, A., Bryant, R. A., & Marmar, C. R. (2016). Enhancing self-efficacy improves episodic future thinking and social-decision making in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research, 242, 19-25. ︎︎︎

Joscelyne, A., Knuckey, S., Satterthwaite, M. L., Bryant, R. A., Li, M., Qian, M., & Brown, A. D. (2015). Mental health functioning in the human rights field: Findings from an international internet-based survey. PloS ONE, 10(12). ︎︎︎

Lapidow, E. S., Brown, A. D. (2016). Autobiographical Memories and PTSD. In: Martin C., Preedy V., Patel V. (Eds.). Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. Springer, Cham. ︎︎︎

Brown, A., Kouri, N., & Superka, J. (2016). Contextualizing traumatic memories: The role of self-identity in the construction of autobiographical memories in posttraumatic stress disorder. In C. Stone & L. Bietti (Eds.). Contextualizing Human Memory: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding how Individuals and Groups Remember the Past. Taylor & Francis. ︎︎︎

Brown, A., Kouri, N., Joscelyne, A., Marmar, C., & Bryant, R. (2015). In L. Watson & D. Berntsen (Eds.). Experimentally examining the role of self-identity and autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory (pp. 316-334)Cambridge University Press. ︎︎︎

Galatzer-Levy, I. R., Steenkamp, M. M., Brown, A. D., Qian, M., Inslicht, S., Henn-Haase, C., Otte, C., Yehuda, R., & Marmar, C. R. (2014). Cortisol response to an experimental stress paradigm prospectively predicts long-term distress and resilience trajectories in response to active police service. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 56, 36-42. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Addis, D. R., Romano, T. A., Marmar, C. R., Bryant, R. A., Hirst, W., & Schacter, D. L. (2014). Episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memories and imagined future events in post-traumatic stress disorder. Memory, 22(6), 595-604. ︎︎︎

Bruno, D., Brown, A. D., Kapucu, A., Marmar, C. R., & Pomara, N. (2014). Cognitive reserve and emotional stimuli in older individuals: level of education moderates the age-related positivity effect. Experimental Aging Research, 40(2), 208-223. ︎︎︎

Bainbridge, K., & Brown, A. (2014). rTMS as a treatment for anorexia nervosa. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 7(1), 149-150. ︎︎︎

Komarovskaya, I., Brown, A. D., Galatzer-Levy, I. R., Madan, A., Henn-Haase, C., Teater, J., Atterberry, L., Clarke, B., Marmar, C., & Chemtob, C. M. (2014). Early physical victimization is a risk factor for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among Mississippi police and firefighter first responders to Hurricane Katrina. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6(1), 92-96. ︎︎︎

Yan, X., Brown, A. D., Lazar, M., Cressman, V. L., Henn-Haase, C., Neylan, T. C., Shalev, A., Wolkowitz, O., Hamilton, S., Yehuda, R., Sodickson, D. K., Weiner, M.W., & Marmar, C. (2013). Spontaneous brain activity in combat related PTSD. Neuroscience Letters, 547, 1-5. ︎︎︎

Galatzer-Levy, I. R., Brown, A. D., Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T. J., Neylan, T. C., & Marmar, C. R. (2013). Positive and negative emotion prospectively predict trajectories of resilience and distress among high-exposure police officers. Emotion, 13(3), 545-553. ︎︎︎

Koppel, J., Brown, A. D., Stone, C. B., Coman, A., & Hirst, W. (2013). Remembering President Barack Obama's inauguration and the landing of US Airways Flight 1549: A comparison of the predictors of autobiographical and event memory. Memory, 21(7), 798-806. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Dorfman, M. L., Marmar, C. R., & Bryant, R. A. (2012). The impact of perceived self-efficacy on mental time travel and social problem solving. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 299-306.︎︎︎  
Brown, A. D., Kouri, N., & Hirst, W. (2012). Memory's malleability: its role in shaping collective memory and social identity. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 257. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Joscelyne, A., Dorfman, M. L., Marmar, C. R., & Bryant, R. A. (2012). The impact of perceived self-efficacy on memory for aversive experiences. Memory, 20(4), 374-383. ︎︎︎

Stone, C. B., Coman, A., Brown, A. D., Koppel, J., & Hirst, W. (2012). Toward a science of silence: The consequences of leaving a memory unsaid. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(1), 39-53. ︎︎︎

Doran, J. M., Antonius, D., Brown, A. D., Kriss, A., Lehr, E. Y., Evans, J., & Steele, H. (2012). The perceived relevance and efficacy of a graduate school journal among graduate faculty and training directors. Teaching of Psychology, 39(1), 62-66. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Root, J. C., Romano, T. A., Chang, L. J., Bryant, R. A., & Hirst, W. (2013). Overgeneralized autobiographical memory and future thinking in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 44(1), 129-134. ︎︎︎

Komarovskaya, I., Maguen, S., McCaslin, S. E., Metzler, T. J., Madan, A., Brown, A. D., Galatzer-Levy, I. R., Henn-Haase, C., & Marmar, C. R. (2011). The impact of killing and injuring others on mental health symptoms among police officers. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(10), 1332-1336. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Buckner, J. P., & Hirst, W. (2011). Time, before, and after time: Temporal self and social appraisals in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42(3), 344-348. ︎︎︎

Hirst, W., & Brown, A. (2011). On the virtues of an unreliable memory: Its role in constructing sociality. In G. R. Semin & G. Echterhoff (Eds.), Grounding sociality: Neurons, mind, and culture (p. 95–113). Psychology Press. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Kramer, M. E., Romano, T. A., & Hirst, W. (2012). Forgetting trauma: Socially shared retrieval‐induced forgetting and post‐traumatic stress disorder. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 26(1), 24-34. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Antonius, D., Kramer, M., Root, J. C., & Hirst, W. (2010). Trauma centrality and PTSD in veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23(4), 496-499. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. & Gutman, Y. (2010). The resounding echoes of memory in terrorism and political violence. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 2, 81-86. ︎︎︎

Gutman, Y., Brown, A., & Sodaro, A. (2010). Memory and the future: Refocusing a dynamic lens. In: Y. Gutman, A. Brown, & A. Sodaro (Eds.), Memory and the Future: Transnational Politics, Ethics, and Society. Palgrave Macmillan UK. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Koppel, J., & Hirst, W. (2010). Social dynamics of memory after a terrorist attack. In D. Antonius, A. D. Brown, T. K. Walters, J. M. Ramirez, & S. J. Sinclair (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Analyses of Terrorism and Political Aggression (pp. 116-146). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Coman, A., & Hirst, W. (2009). The role of narratorship and expertise in social remembering. Social Psychology, 40(3), 119-129. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Gutman, Y., Freeman, L., Sodaro, A., & Coman, A. (2009). Introduction: Is an interdisciplinary field of memory studies possible?. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 22(2), 117-124. ︎︎︎

Coman, A., Brown, A. D., Koppel, J., & Hirst, W. (2009). Collective memory from a psychological perspective. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 22(2), 125-141. ︎︎︎

Brown, A. D., Antonius, D., & Hirst, W. (2009). Filling the gaps of graduate school training: Perceived relevance and efficacy of the New School Psychology Bulletin. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 8(2), 46-52. ︎︎︎

Antonius, D., Brown, A. D., Todman, M., & Safran, J. D. (2007). Integrating science in applied psychology programs: A student-operated journal. Teaching of Psychology, 34(1), 31-34. ︎︎︎